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Health & Medicine
Matter and beyond
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See, think, believe
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Health & Medicine
Below are the articles under the tag Health & Medicine.
In Search of a Vaccine for COVID-19
01 November 2020 | Aras Konjhodzic | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
It has been over half a year since Covid-19 swept across the world and forced many countries into quarantine. Hopes of a quick resolution of the dise…
Free Radicals and Aging Faster
01 November 2020 | Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
“Free radicals” are a special type of atom that have been linked to many age-related diseases. They form as a result of a process called Oxidative St…
Pharmacology: The Journey of a Chemical Compound into a Drug
01 November 2020 | Naim Yilmaz | Issue 138 (Nov - Dec 2020)
Most of us have taken, or at least interacted with, medicine at some point or another in our lives. This can range from more “simple” over-the-counte…
Preventative Medicine of Gastrointestinal Disease
01 July 2019 | Asli Uzun | Issue 130 (July - Aug 2019)
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is among the most common chronic diseases in the Western world, affecting up to 30% of the general population…
Kidneys: What Are Our Responsibilities?
16 October 2018 | Osman Arslan | Issue 125 (Sep - Oct 2018)
Every organ in the human body has vital functions. The kidneys play fundamental roles in maintaining human health. One of the most important functio…
Alzheimer’s: Causes and How to Prevent It
15 October 2018 | Atif Yorulmaz | Issue 125 (Sep - Oct 2018)
As human life expectancy has grown longer, it has led to the emergence of disease that were once quite rare. One of these is Alzheimer’s. At the begi…
How to Deal with Pain
01 January 2018 | Omer Yildiz | Issue 121 (January - February 2018)
Pain is like our sixth sense. Biology classes and textbooks consider pain as a sensation stemming from some injury to cells or tissue, which may have…
Stem Cell Treatments A Breakthrough in Medical Science
01 November 2017 | Rafiq Ebrahim | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
There have been certain moments in human history that have stunned humanity and changed the way we thought. Some have even altered the very course of…
Teenagers and Eating Disorders
01 November 2017 | Gunel Mehraliyeva | Issue 120 (November - December 2017)
“You look great. Have you lost weight?” Most of us enjoy such compliments. Our culture’s messages maintain the importance of being slim. Dieting, exe…
Wet Cupping Therapy
01 September 2017 | Omer Serranur | Issue 119 (September - October 2017)
It was not an extraordinary thing when Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, won six medals at the 2016 Rio Olympics. The weird th…
One Cup of Tea, Please!
01 July 2017 | Ali M. Kahveci | Issue 118 (July - August 2017)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away – or so the old adage goes. Can the same be said about tea? A sufficient number of studies confirm that a strong…
Healing through Animals: Zootherapy
01 May 2017 | Atif Yorulmaz | Issue 117 (May - June 2017)
We have a good deal of literature on herbal medicine, which is even recognized, within a certain frame, in Western medicine. However, most people thi…
Dieting While You Are Healthy
01 March 2017 | Arif Eseroglu | Issue 116 (March - April 2017)
The first step in preventive medicine is to diet while you are healthy. If you are already sick, the diet will prevent the sickness from getting wor…
Medical Imaging
01 January 2017 | Bilal Buruk | Issue 115 (January-February 2017)
Medical imaging is used by medical specialists to create images and sets of data about humans and animals. This information is then analyzed in the…
Mosquitoes for Painless Cure
01 November 2016 | Kamil Ezgin | Issue 114 (November - December 2016)
There are biological barriers that protect the human body from various kinds of detrimental and foreign substances. Although these barriers defend ou…
Green Fluorescent Proteins
01 July 2016 | Emine Demircan | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
Many animals, including squirrels and birds, bury their excess acorns or nuts in summer. When winter arrives and everything is buried under thick sno…
Recognizing the Alien
01 July 2016 | Faik Kocadag | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
One of the most important preventative measures the human body can take against diseases is recognizing harmful things that have entered the body – a…
The Moods of the Heart
01 July 2016 | Hasan Dogan | Issue 112 (July - August 2016)
In different belief systems and cultures, the heart is associated with deep meanings. Despite this history, modern medicine has restricted the heart…
Misconceptions about Calories
01 March 2016 | Omer Faruk Aydin | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
How true are the calorie values written on food packs? Do different methods of preparation, such as boiling, frying, grilling, etc., change the amoun…
At the Obesity-Immunity Crossroads
01 March 2016 | Abdullah Acar | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
The worldwide prevalence and incidence of obesity has increased dramatically in recent decades. Oversized food portions, inactive lifestyles, genetic…
The Adaptive Immune System and Its Molecular Details
01 March 2016 | Ahmet S. Vakkasoglu | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
At some point in our lives, all humans have been infected by viruses. In most cases, the infection is taken care of by our internal immune system bef…
Folk Religion Can Sometimes Grow Piety
01 March 2016 | Allen S. Maller | Issue 110 (March - April 2016)
In the modern world, large scale emigration has brought many Muslims into close contact with other Muslims from distant lands. While all Muslims are…
The Recuperation of Lost Brain Functions
01 January 2016 | Omer Arifagaoglu | Issue 109 (January -February 2016)
The brain of a newborn baby grows and develops very quickly. Within the first three years of life, the intense formation of new nerve cells (neurons)…
A Mystery Signal: Yawning
01 November 2015 | Adem Arikanli | Issue 108 (November - December 2015)
Humans were created to be aware of our surroundings. We pick up on what is happening around us, and inside us, via certain signs. Every organism has…
Black Cumin: A Prophetic Medicine
01 September 2015 | Ali Fethi Toprak | Issue 107 (September - October 2015)
Studies on the curative aspects of black cumin (Nigella Sativa) has seen an exponential growth in recent years. A single search of black cumin or Nig…
Kangaroo Mother Care
01 July 2015 | Nuh Ozdin | Issue 106 (July - August 2015)
Iwoke up to the sound of a phone ringing, which broke the night's silence. I answered it while still sleepy. The call was from our neighbor, Peter. H…
Antimicrobial Activity of Honey
01 May 2015 | Fethi Yaman | Issue 105 (May - June 2015)
Honey has been used by humans for millennia. It’s beloved by kids and adults alike. Honey is one of those versatile food items which can also be used…
How Much - if any - Alcohol is Safe?
01 November 2014 | Asli Tahan | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
Findings show that even though some findings have suggested health benefits for light alcohol consumption, risk of cancer increases with "any" sort o…
Imitation Teeth: Implants
01 November 2014 | Hasan Ali Gunes | Issue 102 (November - December 2014)
Our teeth were designed in a harmonious and organized fashion, just like each and every particle of our body. It becomes unbearable when one tooth is…
Banana: A Miraculous Fruit
01 July 2014 | Adem Arikanli | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
Among tropical fruits, bananas are probably the most popular, and with good reason. They are delicious and nutritious, and can be consumed by ever…
The Amazing Coordination in the Brain
01 July 2014 | Omer Arifagaoglu | Issue 100 (July - August 2014)
The human brain coordinates between its halves. Because of this incredible communication and coordination, the brain is able to seamlessly operate ou…
Artificial Replacement of the Failing Heart
01 May 2014 | Ali Fethi Toprak | Issue 99 (May - June 2014)
Cardiovascular disease is a progressive, debilitating, and deadly disease affecting over 23 million people worldwide.1 The physiopathology of heart d…
Freedom from Cigarettes
01 March 2014 | Mucteba Muezzinoglu | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
The formation of a smoking habit and addiction depends on various social, spiritual, neuro-genetic, and neuro-chemical factors. Some of these factors…
Healing with Venom
01 March 2014 | Mehmet Kara | Issue 98 (March - April 2014)
The honey bee does not only produce honey. It also produces beeswax, pollen, bee venom, gelee royale, and proplis. These products, as well as honey…
The Blessing of Anesthesia in Medical Practices
01 January 2014 | Haci Luy | Issue 97 (January - February 2014)
Before anasthesia, even routine surgeries were painful and dangerous. Its advent has allowed for amazing advances in public health and patient safe…
When To Eat Fruits?
01 November 2013 | Omer Arifagaoglu | Issue 96 (November - December 2013)
One of the requirements for maintaining life is the balanced consumption of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates (saccharides) are comm…
Smoking and Reproduction
01 November 2013 | Mehmet Cihanoglu | Issue 96 (November - December 2013)
Harming our bodies or health is a betrayal against this incredible gift. One of the major ways people harm the body is through smoking cigarettes…
Why Do We Turn Over During Sleep?
01 September 2013 | Musab Korkmaz | Issue 95 (September - October 2013)
Our skin is not only a means for our body to look nice esthetically, but it also acts as a shield against negative external effects. For instance, it…
New Nuclear Methods for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment
01 July 2013 | Cihan Kara | Issue 94 (July - August 2013)
As we pass through life, we encounter several mental and physical illnesses. Given our physical make-up, we are vulnerable to various diseases and mi…
Cancer: Cellular Anarchy
01 May 2013 | Ali Fethi Toprak | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Cancer is a complex disease, claiming millions of lives every year. There is no single type of cancer. However, all types of cancer have one thing in…
Nanomedicine: A Novel Paradigm to Medicine
01 May 2013 | Ibrahim Yildiz | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Nowadays, we have been accustomed to hear “nano-something,” and we hardly pay any attention to what this really means to us in our daily life. From t…
A Blessing Behind an Unlikely Veil: Vomiting as a Healthy Human Reflex
01 May 2013 | Nebil Mersinli | Issue 93 (May - June 2013)
Being one of the most important human reflexes, vomiting is the phenomenon of spewing out, through the mouth and nose, the contents of the stomach an…
Seeing Near: A Blessing We Take for Granted
01 March 2013 | Yusuf Yılmaz | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
There are so many blessings in life, granted to us free of charge, which we take for granted. Eyesight, being able to see near and far distances, m…
The Journey of Drugs through the Body
01 March 2013 | Fatih Osmanoglu | Issue 92 (March - April 2013)
We get ill due to various reasons and in order to get better, we sometimes get some rest, sometimes be extra cautious with what we eat and other time…
The Cell Phone-Brain Cancer Controversy
01 January 2013 | Jason Newfoundland | Issue 91 (January - February 2013)
In recent years, people have been divided by conflicting studies about the risk of cancer posed by cell phone radiation. Does the current conflicti…
Sneezing: An Alarm from the Body
01 July 2012 | Adem Arikanli | Issue 88 (July - August 2012)
With its capacity to sense smells and prepare air for the lungs, the nose offers a feast of wisdom for appreciative minds. The nose is a very importa…
For the Sake of Autism...
01 March 2012 | Kimberly Parker | Issue 86 (March - April 2012)
The courtyard vibrated at the sound of the school bell. Immediately the playground burst into life as children began to stream out of the classrooms…
Coping with Autism
01 January 2012 | Esen Bakhautdin | Issue 85 (January - February 2012)
"When I took my one-year old son to the supermarket, he never responded to other mothers' playful overtures. I used to tell them, 'Oh, he just woke u…
Mushroom: A Unique Blessing
01 January 2011 | Ebubekir Pasazade | Issue 79 (January - February 2011)
Until recently fungi used to be considered plants. Today, due to their unique qualities, fungi have now been categorized as a separate kingdom, in ad…
Keep Your Blood Pressure under Control
01 July 2010 | Hasan Gul | Issue 76 (July - August 2010)
Hypertension occurs when the force of blood in the veins rises higher than the normal level. So what are the blood pressure levels that indicate we m…
Playing with Genes: Gene Therapy
01 January 2010 | Ferhat Ozturk | Issue 73 (January - February 2010)
As we live our lives, we often come across problems that can block our way. If our car leaks oil, stalls, or breaks down on the road, we immediately…
Sugar and the Human Body
01 January 2010 | Kelly J. Smith | Issue 73 (January - February 2010)
In the world we live in today, while great efforts are being made to improve human health, diabetes is a problem that is ever on the increase. Althou…
Physiological Prevention of Cancer
01 November 2009 | Sebnem Unlu | Issue 72 (November - December 2009)
The fine balance and order seen in living beings provides us with clues and directions as to which behavior is most appropriate. Socially acceptable…
A Vitamin that Could Change Your Life: Folic Acid
01 July 2009 | Sehnaz Dogu Ekicikol | Issue 70 (July - August 2009)
To have a beautiful, healthy baby is the dream of all would-be parents. Nevertheless, dreams do not always come true. Austin was a very healthy boy…
Health and Natural Balance with Patchouli
01 May 2009 | Fatih Altun | Issue 69 (May - June 2009)
Studies made recently in relation to aromatherapy show that aroma can be the preparation for many important functions in connection with a person’s s…
01 January 2009 | Irfan Sahin | Issue 67 (January - February 2009)
As my brother-in-law had some health complaints such as palpitations, insomnia, irritability and excessive sweating, he asked me if I would accompany…
On Hibernation and Bedsores
01 November 2008 | Bagasra Omar- Pace D.gene | Issue 66 (November - December 2008)
You would have thought them awake though they were asleep. We caused them to turn over to the right and the left, and their dog lay outstretching i…
Reevaluating Cholesterol
01 November 2008 | Bulent Aydogan | Issue 66 (November - December 2008)
The message to lower cholesterol to reduce the risk of heart disease has been widely circulated. However, recent findings beg the reevaluation of com…
Vitamin and Mineral Pills: The Right Answer for a Healthy Life?
01 May 2008 | Alper Bursali | Issue 63 (May - June 2008)
In human health, the importance of vitamins is indisputable. Proof of this are the numerous illnesses associated with a lack of vitamins in the diet…
Tissue Engineering; Towards Spare Human Parts
01 March 2008 | Mustafa Guler | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
Everyday, thousands of people from all age groups are treated for organ malfunction. Many of these patients require organ transplants; however, there…
Curative Cherries
01 March 2008 | M. Ali Kaslioglu | Issue 62 (March - April 2008)
Fruits of various kinds in abundance, such as dates in sheathed clusters, bananas piled one above another, grapes, olives, figs, pomegranates, and ch…
The Cell Bank of Our Body: Stem Cells
01 January 2008 | Ali Fethi Toprak | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
Injuries, illnesses and aging are inevitable parts of our lives. The human body can deal with basic injuries and illnesses in daily life by cell rege…
Blue Light, Daytime Sleep and the Prophetic Tradition
01 January 2008 | Omur Yilmaz | Issue 61 (January - February 2008)
Sleep is a blessing from God. Humans spend around one third of their lives sleeping. Sleep is essential for the performance of important daily acts s…
The Protective Mechanism in Blood Vessels
01 October 2007 | Murat Yasar | Issue 60 (October - December 2007)
The blood that is carried away from the heart to all the parts of the body by the cardiovascular system plays a vital role in delivering oxygen and n…
A Cry of Desperation Are We Listening?
01 July 2007 | Ayse K. Coskun | Issue 59 (July - September 2007)
27, black, living in South Africa, and HIV positive; this is no longer a shocking matter. It has become like getting flu, only deadlier. I never thou…
The Automatic Systems Operating in Our Body
01 April 2007 | Arslan Mayda | Issue 58 (April - June 2007)
In a healthy body, all of the involuntarily functioning mechanisms seem to know what to do, at the right time and in the right amount. But are thes…
The Miraculous Functions of the Human Skin
01 January 2007 | Fatih Kolbay | Issue 57 (January - March 2007)
Understanding The Order in Nature in a More Analytical Way
01 October 2006 | Dr. Sami Polatoz | Issue 56 (October - December 2006)
This article can be considered as a brief survey of the order in nature carried out through understanding the world around us. The beauty and estheti…
Wetting The Bed
01 July 2006 | Nazim Intepe | Issue 55 (July - September 2006)
Tuberculosis and Pregnancy
01 July 2006 | Pavel A. Kovganko | Issue 55 (July - September 2006)
How Should We Sleep
01 April 2006 | Salih Uyar | Issue 54 (April - June 2006)
Human beings spend about one third of their life sleeping. But the place of sleep in the life of human beings is not restricted to this time; the qua…
Neural Prosthetics Where Man-Made Systems Tap Into the Works of Divine Wisdom
01 April 2006 | Mesut Sahin | Issue 54 (April - June 2006)
In medical sciences, among many other subjects, we learn about human body parts (anatomy), how the body functions at the cellular (biology) and syste…
Medication, Pregnancy and God's Will
01 April 2006 | Pavel A. Kovganko | Issue 54 (April - June 2006)
Pregnancy is a unique condition for women, and childbirth has always been considered to be one of the most important events in a woman’s life. Matern…
01 October 2005 | Melih Mert | Issue 52 (October - December 2005)
I will start with the cliché: “man is born, grows, ages, and finally dies.” So this cycle of life is inevitable, although at different times in hist…
The Newly Discovered Dimension of The Heart
01 April 2005 | Dr. Selim Aydin | Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
In our world of knowledge and wisdom, there are two meanings for the word “heart”; as an emotion that is open to the spiritual realms and an importan…
How Are Babies Protected?
01 April 2005 | Veli Karabuga | Issue 50 (April - June 2005)
Did you know that the only place human beings are not exposed to germs, such as bacteria or fungi, is in their mothers’ uterus? Yes, from the moment…
Eating Habits and Time
01 January 2005 | Alphonse Dougan | Issue 49 (January - March 2005)
“The things that I fear most for my people are being overweight, sleeping too much, laziness and a lack of deep faith.” 1 Prophet Muhammad (peace a…
Health Provided Through The Teeth
01 October 2004 | Semra Guler | Issue 48 (October - December 2004)
Being the product of the cosmic tree, human beings are one of the most complicated biological systems, all-inclusively equipped with both material an…
Self - Defense Mechanisms
01 July 2004 | Dr. Said Guzel | Issue 47 (July - September 2004)
Self-defense is an important ability that has been given to living beings to help them survive. If a being cannot defend itself, then staying alive i…
Music Therapy
01 October 2002 | Dr. Ibrahim B. Syed | Issue 40 (October - December 2002)
In 1944 Edgar Cayce, who healed thousands of people while in a trance state, said "Music is the medicine of the future."(1) Currently, some religiou…
Biorhythms and Time Management
01 July 2002 | Alphonse Dougan | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
And We made your sleep to be rest (to you) and the night to be a covering. (Qur'an 78:9-10) Most time management experts agree that the essence…
Music for Healing and Brain Development
01 July 2002 | Dr. Selim Uzunoglu | Issue 39 (July - September 2002)
Each living system is programmed to realize the outer world and act in a conscious way to survive and reproduce. Realizing the outer world is achie…
Biological Effects of Cellular Phones
01 January 2002 | Ali Tombak | Issue 37 (January - March 2002)
Cellular phones have become one of the 21st century's most indispensable tools. They serve a wide range of benefits, from being the fastest way to co…
Social Problems of Children With ADHD
01 January 2002 | Gulden Esat | Issue 37 (January - March 2002)
Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inattentiveness, impu…
Antibiotic Resistance
01 October 2001 | Yasmeen Bonnie Rutherford | Issue 36 (October - December 2001)
If you think that killer plagues and superbacteria are the stuff of horror movies alone, you may need to think again. Overuse and misuse of antibioti…
Healing and Faith
01 April 2000 | Alphonse Dougan | Issue 30 (April - June 2000)
The relationship between faith and healing has always been a point of curiousity and controversy. Most of us have heard stories of people recovering…
The Future of Molecular Biology and Genetics
01 April 2000 | Begum Yilmaz | Issue 30 (April - June 2000)
The future of biology, a very popular topic among biologists, is closely related to the future of molecular biology and genetics. Recent technologica…
Euthanasia: Mercy or Murder?
01 January 1999 | Dr. S. Aksoy | Issue 25 (January - March 1999)
Euthanasia is one of the most widely discussed issues among health care professionals as well as ordinary people. While supporting and practising eut…
Buckministerfullerene: The Third Crystalline Form Of The Carbon Atom
01 July 1998 | Aydin Demircan | Issue 23 (July - September 1998)
To be awarded with a Nobel Prize in science is one of the most honorable present for the scientist in the world, New forms of the element carbon-call…
Air Pollution and its Effect on our World's Climate
01 July 1997 | Dr. Hikmet A. Topcuoglu | Issue 19 (July - September 1997)
It is a Divine rule that As you sow, so shall you reap. The effects of pollution are not always felt by those who create it, but instead are suffered…
Duty for Each Articulation of the Body
01 July 1997 | Arslan Mayda | Issue 19 (July - September 1997)
At a time when little was known about the anatomy of man, the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, declared: Every human being is cr…
The Importance of Maternal Care
01 January 1997 | Dr. Osman Kucukmehmedoglu | Issue 17 (January - March 1997)
Almost all animals come into the world without need of long training or education to manage their lives. Whatever knowledge they need to do so is eit…
Nutrition in Classical Islamic Medical Sources
01 January 1997 | Dr. Kenan Haspolat | Issue 17 (January - March 1997)
Malnutrition is not the result of only insufficient food. It can also result from too much of the wrong food and from too much of even the right food…
Disciplining Obesity: A Healthy Life Style
01 October 1996 | N. Butt | Issue 16 (October - December 1996)
No religion commends self-indulgence;all religions, and all traditional ways of life inspired by religious principles, commend self-discipline, th…
Emerging Viruses
01 October 1996 | I. Y. Turgut | Issue 16 (October - December 1996)
Many of the deadliest and most feared diseases - from AIDS and influenza to smallpox and zoster (shingles) - as well as some of the most common have…
Ant Stitch
01 July 1996 | Dr. M. I. Shaikh | Issue 15 (July - September 1996)
Recently, at the G-Mex Centre in Manchester UK, I attended the CLOTECH 96 exhibition. The organizers had gathered an entire textile world under one r…
The Revival of Prophetic And Herbal Medicine
01 April 1996 | Dr. Muhammed Ali Albar | Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Introduction The example of Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, is explicitly commended in the Qur’an as the best pattern for believers to follow…
Cancer and Heredity
01 April 1996 | Dr. H. Ulucan | Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Cancer is a complex group of diseases which affect different cells and tissues in the body. It is characterized by the loss of normal cell control wh…
Ibn Rushd on Anatomy
01 January 1996 | A. Sahin | Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Ibn Rushd was one of the greatest intellectual geniuses in human history. He was acquainted with all the sciences of his time and an authority in sev…
Alcohol and Socio-Medical Problems
01 January 1996 | Dr. Muhammed Ali Albar | Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Alcohol has been used since antiquity for many purposes including real and imagined benefits: ‘As a social lubricant, aperitif and mild “anaesthetic”…
The Cure
01 January 1996 | Y. Alan | Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
As he walked through the park to the hospital, he observed with special pleasure how the morning sunlight entered through the trees and down into the…
Organ Transplantation
01 October 1995 | Dr. M. A. Albar | Issue 12 (October - December 1995)
Introduction Islam is a religion that encompasses the secular with the spiritual, the mundane with the celestial. It includes a code for the whole o…
Relief Of Pain: A Medical Discovery
01 October 1995 | Dr. A. M. Katme | Issue 12 (October - December 1995)
It is a long-established custom among Muslim parents to put a piece of well-chewed date (or other available sweet fruit) in the mouth of a newborn ba…
Tobacco And Cancer: Moral Teachings and Cancer Prevention
01 July 1995 | M. A. Al-ahari | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
Introduction It is estimated that 80 to 90 percent of all cancer cases are related to environmental and lifestyle influences (1). Many cancer resear…
Dealing With Hypertension
01 July 1995 | M. L. Hawking | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
A True Story Of Faith and Resolve Hypertension is one of the most widespread dangerous diseases of this century affecting the young as well as the e…
Human Development As Revealed In The Holy Qu'ran And Hadith
01 July 1995 | M. A. Rahim | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
Dr Albar is a Consultant to the King Fahad Medical Research Center, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah. In this excellent, fully illustrated study, w…
Free Radical: A Revolution In Bio-Medical Science
01 July 1995 | S. Fredericks | Issue 11 (July - September 1995)
Every few years the scientific community is shaken by a new theory. Theories are put forward in every field of science from mechanics to molecules. T…
Multiple Scleories: Can It Be Cured ?
04 January 1995 | F. Dollie | Issue 10 (April - June 1995)
The causes of multiple sclerosis (MS) are still unknown. Although it is common, with at least 80,000 cases in Britain alone, there is, as yet, no cur…
What Is Disability
04 January 1995 | Dr. S. Aksoy | Issue 10 (April - June 1995)
It is hard to distinguish, from their use in writings on medicine or medical ethics, the terms handicap and disability. There are also other related…
Diet and Digestion Medicine of the Prophet
10 January 1994 | A. A. Ahmed | Issue 8 (October - December 1994)
Himya: Dietary Precaution Modern medical practice has come back to the conclusion that diet is the key to good health and investment in good dietar…
Community Care, Values and Welfare State
04 January 1994 | A. Bilir | Issue 6 (April - June 1994)
A welfare state is a state that cares for its most needy citizens such as the elderly, the sick and disabled, children, the unemployed and single par…
Medicine of The Prophet
04 January 1994 | A. A. Ahmed | Issue 6 (April - June 1994)
THE SEARCH FOR ALTERNATIVES I once asked an Austrian friend of mine who had just qualified as a doctor where he went when he was sick. The surprisin…
Questions For Today
04 January 1994 | M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 6 (April - June 1994)
Five prayers a day are compulsory in Islam. However, in the extreme Polar Regions a day or a night lasts six months each, in the sense that the sun i…
The Importance of Breast-Feeding
10 January 1993 | Dr. H. Nurbaki | Issue 4 (October - December 1993)
Mothers shall suckle children for two whole years, for those who desire to complete the suckling. It is for the father to provide for them and clot…
Right to Food
10 January 1993 | M. A. Sayar | Issue 4 (October - December 1993)
More than a billion human beings on this planet are chronically hungry: every 24 hours some 40,000 die directly or indirectly from lack of food; a…
Last and Found
10 January 1993 | L. Martin | Issue 4 (October - December 1993)
The long corridor with a hole at the end of it-a doorway, of course-made him feel uneasy. The sound of his fellow-students’ footsteps, their talking…